Desperate times call for desperate measures. And we are living in desperate times. People are chronically ill and cannot turn their health around even though they are on many different drugs. In fact, what they are finding is that the drugs are making things worse.

“It actually comes down to diet, diet really features extremely prominently,” Dr. McMacken said. “And of all different kinds of diets, a plant-based diet is an extraordinarily effective approach, honestly it’s a transformative approach.”

FINALLY, mainstream physicians and medical centers are waking up to the truth. Their patients are receiving help elsewhere and going back to them for checkups much better; off their drugs and healed. Embarrassed, these doctor’s are asking their patients, “How did you do this?” And they are learning from their patients what works.

We physician healers MUST be able to tell our patients what is causing their illness and be brave enough to get back to the basics—to STOP simply using protocols given to us by the pharmaceutical industry to MANAGE disease. We must let patients know that DIETARY TRANSFORMATION is the only rational approach to health and healing.

Read about what Bellevue Hospital in New Your City is doing. And begin to question your doctor about taking this approach to turning around your chronic illness.